Exciting Times

So you rolled over the other day. This one was from front to back. It was pretty cool. Your mom and I had been slacking on the whole tummy time thing so I decided it was time to do it. Your mom had not been feeling well so she had gone back to bed to get some more rest. I laid you down on a blanket on the floor and within a few seconds…flop… right one over like you had been doing it for weeks. So naturally I grabbed my phone, flipped you back over and hit the record button. This was the result of that:

Baby girl’s first rollover

Then I picked you up and ran into the bedroom to show the video to your mom. She was bummed that she missed it, but she loved it. So naturally we spent pretty much the whole day trying to get you to do it again, you weren’t interested.

Your Uncle has been watching you this week. You’re going to have to thank him when you’re old enough to read and understand all this. You’ve given him a rough time the past couple of days. Sounds like today has been pretty good though. When I went home for lunch he told me that you had almost rolled over from your back to front. A few minutes ago he texted (I wonder if that will still be popular when you are older or if you’ll even know what it is) me a picture of you about half way over. Pretty cool stuff. Maybe you’ll let your mom see this one live this time.

Until next time…

I love you
