Ok, so technically the journey began a few weeks ago, but that’s the only title I could think of. I’m sure future titles will be just as cheesy so don’t worry. As I write this we don’t know if the baby will be a boy or a girl. We are actually planning on waiting until he/she is born to find out. I think I’ve decided to continue putting thoughts about being a first time dad into this blog as I have them. Calling it “writing” is bit of a stretch. So, thoughts works for me.
I keep thinking of an episode of star trek the next generation where Wesley reaches a certain age and gets a message from his dad made when he was born. Or something like that. The dad had planned to make a bunch of them over the years so Wesley would know who he was then and not just the old guy he meets later, but died before he could. Now I’m not planning on dying early, but the idea of making messages (or blog posts in this case) along this journey of mine appeals to me.
The bummer part is that bringing up the star trek reference might label me a “trekker” for all time. In actuality I’m much more of a Star Wars geek. So there it is just to set the record straight. Although, I’ve always tried to avoid the trappings of the word geek (or nerd or whatever), but working on computers and technology for a living kind of thrusts that on you. I’m much more interesting than that.
Anyway, hopefully this will be a fun journey and an interesting read. At least for our future son or daughter.
Stay tuned.