
Ok.  So, I haven’t even posted so far this year.  How sad.  🙁  Sorry about that.  Lots has happened.  We got a mini-van.  The charger is gone and the mini-van took it’s place.  We are officially domesticated.  Honestly, I love the van. The charger was fun.  It had a lot of power, but it was terrible when it came to space.  Just didn’t work anymore with 2 growing kids and their stuff.

2 kids.  Both getting big.  She is quickly turning into a young lady.  He is moving well and will be walking soon.  Blows my mind.  Sometimes I just sit and watch you both.  I think of what your mother and I did before you came along and I have a hard time coming up with things.  I just all seems so insignificant now.  I’ve learned so much about life and faith.  I wouldn’t change a thing.  I see some of myself and your mother in both of you.  Sometimes it’s great and sometimes it’s scary.  Scary because I know what that attitude or that trait will lead.  Maybe we can explain them and you can avoid the pitfalls.  More likely you’ll need to learn the hard way like we did. Hopefully we’ll be understanding and remember our times through that.

Summer’s coming.  Can’t wait to get both of you to the lake this year.  It’s going to be interesting.

Gotta get back to work.  Yes, I’m typing this at work.  🙂



September Already

Last post was in February.  Man, times flies.  Last time I wrote our little girl’s baby brother wasn’t even a month old.  Now he’s a pretty big and long (imagine that) little boy.  Our little girl isn’t a toddler anymore.  She really is a little girl.  Little being relative.  She’s a head taller than everyone else in her class at church.  🙂

She has had (and still does really) trouble with having a little brother around.  All that sharing is tough.  But it’s been good too.  Last night she played with him some and it was a really cool moment to watch.

Her 3rd birthday was recently.  That was fun.  Had parties with both sets of grandparents.  I was determined to get her a soccer ball.  When I took her out to look at them, she ran past them and grabbed a baseball bat and a pink batting helmet.  So now she has a plastic t-ball set as well as a soccer ball from mom and dad.

I hope you and your brother enjoy them both together.

Love you both.


Hello again

Ok. So it’s been a really long time since I’ve written to you. Sorry about that. You’ve gotten a lot bigger and a lot more active since we last talked. You’re mom likes to watch your movements. She gets a real charge out of it. Generally speaking she has had an easy time of it all so far, compared to others we’ve heard about and talked to. Your mom is pretty tall, so she has a little more room for you to move around and grow.

As I write this there are 7 weeks left until your due date. You’re room is almost done. We’ve actually spent more time rebuilding the bathroom from scratch than we have on your room. Someday we’ll show you some before and after pictures and I think you’ll agree that it was the right way to go. Family and friends have been pretty generous in the stuff they’ve given us for you. The first few months of your life will be much easier because of them. We thank God all the time for that. Remind me to tell you all about all of it and all of them. It’s important to remember things like that.

I find myself noticing dads with their daughters lately. I imagine that it’s me and you. Kinda cheesy I know, but that’s where I’m at right now. People often tell me about how life is going to change. My first thought is, yeah. That’s the point. I’m totally looking forward to it. I’ve spent most of my life thinking about myself. Making the world a better place for my daughter is something I look forward to very strongly. Sure, it’ll be a challenge and we’ll have tough times. There will be lots of “dad” moments, but honestly I’m looking forward to all that too.

Maybe I’m crazy, but I’m betting there are other dads out there that know what I mean.

Until next time, hopefully it won’t be so long.

Love dad.

Hi Little Girl

Hi baby girl. Felt you kick the other day. Your mom grabbed my hand and put it on her belly. It was pretty cool and surreal for me. I had flashbacks of my mom pregnant with one of my brothers and feeling them kick. Now here I am with a child of my own on the way. Pretty neat.

Obviously, we found out that you are a girl. I’m excited about that. There aren’t a lot of girls on my side of the family, which means that between you being the first grandchild and being a girl, you’ll be spoiled rotten. 🙂 I have a few cousins that I think will get a kick out of it too.

By the way, if by the time you are reading this, I haven’t taught you to play baseball, football and gotten you started in your BBQ education, call me out. 🙂

Looking forward to meeting you.

Love Dad.

“Baby Girl”

Today we went to the doctor and we found out we are having a girl. We are both very excited. It was pretty cool, the ultrasound tech was like are you ready? Uh yeah! A pause and you are having a girl! I was like okay! Last thursday we felt noodle kick for the first time. It was so cool. I have enjoyed this next phase a lot. I like this connection I feel between me and noodle. Now we have to to figure out what color to paint noodle’s room. She has a real name of course, but we’ve been calling her “baby girl” since we left the ultrasound.

The Journey Begins

Ok, so technically the journey began a few weeks ago, but that’s the only title I could think of.  I’m sure future titles will be just as cheesy so don’t worry.  As I write this we don’t know if the baby will be a boy or a girl. We are actually planning on waiting until he/she is born to find out. I think I’ve decided to continue putting thoughts about being a first time dad into this blog as I have them. Calling it “writing” is bit of a stretch. So, thoughts works for me.

I keep thinking of an episode of star trek the next generation where Wesley reaches a certain age and gets a message from his dad made when he was born. Or something like that. The dad had planned to make a bunch of them over the years so Wesley would know who he was then and not just the old guy he meets later, but died before he could. Now I’m not planning on dying early, but the idea of making messages (or blog posts in this case) along this journey of mine appeals to me.

The bummer part is that bringing up the star trek reference might label me a “trekker” for all time. In actuality I’m much more of a Star Wars geek. So there it is just to set the record straight. Although, I’ve always tried to avoid the trappings of the word geek (or nerd or whatever), but working on computers and technology for a living kind of thrusts that on you. I’m much more interesting than that.

Anyway, hopefully this will be a fun journey and an interesting read. At least for our future son or daughter.

Stay tuned.