Hello again

Ok. So it’s been a really long time since I’ve written to you. Sorry about that. You’ve gotten a lot bigger and a lot more active since we last talked. You’re mom likes to watch your movements. She gets a real charge out of it. Generally speaking she has had an easy time of it all so far, compared to others we’ve heard about and talked to. Your mom is pretty tall, so she has a little more room for you to move around and grow.

As I write this there are 7 weeks left until your due date. You’re room is almost done. We’ve actually spent more time rebuilding the bathroom from scratch than we have on your room. Someday we’ll show you some before and after pictures and I think you’ll agree that it was the right way to go. Family and friends have been pretty generous in the stuff they’ve given us for you. The first few months of your life will be much easier because of them. We thank God all the time for that. Remind me to tell you all about all of it and all of them. It’s important to remember things like that.

I find myself noticing dads with their daughters lately. I imagine that it’s me and you. Kinda cheesy I know, but that’s where I’m at right now. People often tell me about how life is going to change. My first thought is, yeah. That’s the point. I’m totally looking forward to it. I’ve spent most of my life thinking about myself. Making the world a better place for my daughter is something I look forward to very strongly. Sure, it’ll be a challenge and we’ll have tough times. There will be lots of “dad” moments, but honestly I’m looking forward to all that too.

Maybe I’m crazy, but I’m betting there are other dads out there that know what I mean.

Until next time, hopefully it won’t be so long.

Love dad.

“Baby Girl”

Today we went to the doctor and we found out we are having a girl. We are both very excited. It was pretty cool, the ultrasound tech was like are you ready? Uh yeah! A pause and you are having a girl! I was like okay! Last thursday we felt noodle kick for the first time. It was so cool. I have enjoyed this next phase a lot. I like this connection I feel between me and noodle. Now we have to to figure out what color to paint noodle’s room. She has a real name of course, but we’ve been calling her “baby girl” since we left the ultrasound.


Found out last night that I’m going to be a Dad. Pretty cool stuff. It’s about as official as a home pregnancy test can be. Which is is pretty accurate according to the doc. She goes in this week for a blood test to confirm things. I find myself planning long term all of a sudden and thought maybe it’s time to get some thoughts down on paper. So to speak.

How do I feel? Totally geeked. We’ve been planning and praying for this for a while. As usual, God does things on his time table not mine. All part of that long term lesson on patience he’s got me on.

I do worry about being a “old” dad though. Time to get serious about getting into shape. I need to be able to kick his/her butt in backyard football when he/she is a teenager. And yes, if we have a girl she’s going to learn to play football. Her mom will take care of the girl stuff.  No gender stereotypes in my house.  🙂

Want to know the crazy part? I keep wondering when I should be passing out cigars. Is it now or when the baby is born? I’m thinking of doing it now. Be more fun that way.

Now I just have to keep all this a secret until Christmas when we spring it on everyone.  Yeah, posting it all on the internet was a good idea.  🙂  Nobody reads this anyway, right?