
So, here we are about a month and a half away from your first birthday and I haven’t posted anything since February.  I’m sorry sweetie.  I’ll try to do better.  Might be time to get your mom in here to post too.  She’s recording all your milestones on our iPad.  Should be interesting to see how clunky that thing is when you’re old enough enough to read this.  My last post was about your first tooth.  Well, now you have 8 teeth and really enjoy using them.  When you read this ask me if I have any scars.  So far, it’s all good.

So, what else is going on…  Sometime in the next few weeks your cousin will be born.  I have a feeling that you and her will be quite a pair.  Your uncle and I have our work cut out for us.  You’re almost walking.  You can walk along furniture like an expert, but not quite ready to venture out without something to hold on to.  You and I were playing on the floor and you used me to stand up and then stood completely on your own for a few seconds.  It was pretty cool.  Ever since then I’ve made it a habit to make you stand up and use only my hands to steady yourself.  You get better at it every time.

Talking…  you are close to that too.  You babble all the time when you are in good mood (and a little whiny when you’re not 🙂 ).  Still haven’t heard your first word yet, although it sounded like you said “Hi” recently.  So maybe that was it.  We say that to you a lot.  That’s too easy though.  I keeping whispering “da da” in your ear.  So maybe…  You’ll probably start off with complete sentences or something.  You seem to be really smart about things and like to figure things out for yourself.  Your mom and I both have big independent streaks, so it stands to reason you’d have one too.  Don’t forget to ask for help, it makes life easier and less stressful.  Try to recognize when you need help too.  I have trouble with that one.

We get lots of compliments on you.  Very easy going…  Such a happy baby…  You have your moments, but you’ve been a real blessing to your mom and I.  We thank God for you every day.  Make sure we don’t forget that.

Ok sweetie, I think I’m done for now.  I love you.



How you can love somebody that you haven’t even meet? It’s day four of maternity leave and I am so emotionally ready to meet you that I cry and long to see your face. I want to be able to hold you in my arms, to be able to enjoy just being with you.  It’s okay Savannah, you can come.  We are ready for you.  Your father and I are so excited to see you.  God grant us the strength and patience to be able to make it through this time of waiting for her arrival.  I am so anxious to meet you that I daydream about me and your father holding you in our arms to see your smile, sitting on our front porch feeling the cool breeze brush my hair, feeling you move.  It makes me thank God for this glorious afternoon with the sun shining. It makes me smile in anticipation of playing with you right here on our front yard, right here in the green grass of this august day.

See you soon…


Hello again

Ok. So it’s been a really long time since I’ve written to you. Sorry about that. You’ve gotten a lot bigger and a lot more active since we last talked. You’re mom likes to watch your movements. She gets a real charge out of it. Generally speaking she has had an easy time of it all so far, compared to others we’ve heard about and talked to. Your mom is pretty tall, so she has a little more room for you to move around and grow.

As I write this there are 7 weeks left until your due date. You’re room is almost done. We’ve actually spent more time rebuilding the bathroom from scratch than we have on your room. Someday we’ll show you some before and after pictures and I think you’ll agree that it was the right way to go. Family and friends have been pretty generous in the stuff they’ve given us for you. The first few months of your life will be much easier because of them. We thank God all the time for that. Remind me to tell you all about all of it and all of them. It’s important to remember things like that.

I find myself noticing dads with their daughters lately. I imagine that it’s me and you. Kinda cheesy I know, but that’s where I’m at right now. People often tell me about how life is going to change. My first thought is, yeah. That’s the point. I’m totally looking forward to it. I’ve spent most of my life thinking about myself. Making the world a better place for my daughter is something I look forward to very strongly. Sure, it’ll be a challenge and we’ll have tough times. There will be lots of “dad” moments, but honestly I’m looking forward to all that too.

Maybe I’m crazy, but I’m betting there are other dads out there that know what I mean.

Until next time, hopefully it won’t be so long.

Love dad.


There are about a thousand decisions that need to be made at some point. I guess I knew there would be, but my mind keeps finding new ones each time we figure something out.

At some point in time the Mrs wants to do photography full time. She’s good at it so it makes total sense and I totally support the idea. The question is when can we handle that and how do we transition? Daycare is the biggest thing we have to deal with no matter what. If she continues working we have to pay for it and if she doesn’t we have to adjust our budget to deal with the loss of her income until her business gets going. Both of those decisions affect our ability to fund her business they way we would like. I could write all day about the various scenarios that come to mind, but that would take all day and probably wouldn’t accomplish much. For now I keep notes on the trusty iPad so I don’t forget anything. I’m bad about that sometimes.

The truth is that God will provide answers to my questions and will provide the things we need going forward. Those two things may not end up having anything to do with each other. Not to mention that it probably won’t happen as quickly as I’d like, but that’s just another part of the life long lesson on patience God has me on. But God will provide, I have no doubt about that. Sometimes I just wonder if all of the scenarios that come to my mind are part of God’s plan to help the situation or is me worrying more than I should…